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CAD Drawings. CAD drawings can be provided for use by architects, when planning both smaller and larger projects.

Finishes. More detailed information can also be provided on finishes. In addition to various standard epoxy finishes for our bed frames, we are able to offer epoxy finishes in most RAL colours, for larger projects. As far as cabinet finishes are concerned, in addition to a wide range of standard MFC and plastic laminate finishes, we are able to match specific finishes on larger projects, including veneers.

Special sizes and other modifications. In addition to the standard sizes featured on this website, we are able to offer most of our products in special made-to-measure sizes, for larger projects. Other modifications are also available on larger projects, to suit the customer's requirements. Examples include extra high/low beds, beds to fit into odd shaped spaces, etc.

If you can't find what you are looking for on this website, we may nonetheless be able to provide it, so please do ask us!

Free In-house consultancy service. We operate a free in-house consultancy service to advise on the best model(s)/size(s) for the job in hand.

information for Architects

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